Postcode of NEENDALING (WA) is 6353. Below you can find map of NEENDALING, or look up other postcodes in West Australia or other Australian states. If NEENDALING's postcode is duplicated, and other places have same postal code number, you can use our postcode searcher by number 6353.
NEENDALING have more then one postcode. List of all NEENDALING's postcodes: 6000, 6001, 6800, 6809, 6817, 6820, 6827, 6830, 6837, 6838, 6839, 6840, 6841, 6842, 6843, 6844, 6845, 6846, 6847, 6848,
Notice: Postcodes in WA with range from 6800--6999 (LVRs and PO Boxes only)
Item | Description |
Location | Neendaling |
Postcode | 6353 |
Distance To CBD (Perth) | 288.04 KM |
States or Territories | West Australia |
Abbreviation | WA |
State Capital City | Perth |
Country | Australia |
Category | Delivery Area |
Timezone | View Timezone in WA |
Item | Description |
Latitude | -33.0153890 |
Longitude | 118.6618850 |
List of all the cities, towns and suburbs in Australia with postcode 6353:
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