Mount Kuring-gai NSW Postcode

Postcode of MOUNT KURING-GAI (NSW) is 2080. Below you can find map of MOUNT KURING-GAI, or look up other postcodes in New South Wales or other Australian states. If MOUNT KURING-GAI's postcode is duplicated, and other places have same postal code number, you can use our postcode searcher by number 2080.

MOUNT KURING-GAI have more then one postcode. List of all MOUNT KURING-GAI's postcodes: 2257, 2539,

Notice: Postcodes in NSW with range from 1000--1999 (LVRs and PO Boxes only)

Location Information

LocationMount Kuring-gai
Distance To CBD (Sydney)27.29 KM
States or TerritoriesNew South Wales
State Capital CitySydney
CategoryDelivery Area
TimezoneView Timezone in NSW

GPS Coordinate (Approximate)


MOUNT KURING-GAI in New South Wales state on the map:

List of all the cities, towns and suburbs in Australia with postcode 2080:

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